Thursday, November 3, 2011

Journal: William Apess

Christine Sloss
Dr. Scott Lankford
English 48A
Journal: William Apess
November 3, 2011

Author Quote: “Can you charge the Indians with robbing a nation almost of their whole continent, and murdering their women and children, and then depriving the remainder of their lawful rights, that nature and God require them to have?”

Internet Quote: "I felt convinced that Christ died for all mankind – that age, sect, color, country, or situation make no difference. I felt an assurance that I was included in the plan of redemption with all my brethren."

Brief summary of what the author is saying in your own words: Apess judiciously uses the bible for his argument against the white man. Chastising them and pointing out that the abomination of the Native American, goes against what is written in the Bible. insinuating that these white slave owners have questionable practices and beliefs of the bible.

My thoughts: Hypocrisy is the first thought I have, I do not enjoy this part of American history. I believe the Native Americans have suffered the most in the course of history, their culture to me is the purest and closest to nature. For generation they treaded lightly on this earth, taking only what was needed and appreciating the rest. Enjoying nature in it’s undisturbed beauty, preserving it for future generations. Then the white man comes leaving destruction in his path, blind to all that they destroy. It drives me crazy to think that these bible believing folks, who feel what they preach is best for all. The Native Americans were peaceful people, thriving on the land for thousands of years, with generations of skill and knowledge of farming, hunting, and medicine.  It is difficult for me to see how the white man came to this nation and acted as he did with a clear conscience after building towns on the native land, depleting the forest of the Native Americans, capturing them as slaves, kidnapping the boys, killing the innocent women and children. All in the name of the lord? I know there were a few gentle spirits like Ms.Bird in “Uncle Tom’s cabin”, she stood up for feeding and clothing a run away slave, but I would much rather seen action like John Brown to draw attention to the injustice that was being done, preserving beautiful cultures and lifestyle of Native American Indians. If these bible believing folks treated everyone like a brother, as the bible says they should, thousands of lives would have been saved.

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