Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Journal: Thomas Paine

Christine Sloss
Dr. Scott Lankford
English 48A
Journal: Thomas Paine
November 14, 2011

Author Quote: “But if you have, and can still shake hands with the murderers, then are you unworthy the name of husband, father, friend, or lover, and whatever may be your rank or title in life, you have the heart of a coward, and the spirit of a sycophant”

Internet Quote:  “All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”

Brief summary of what the author is saying in your own words: Thomas Paine is implicating that those citizens of America who are for the reconciliation either do not have all the information, haven’t thought about the suffering of citizens who are stuck in the middle of this harassment in Boston, and are heartless scoundrels.

My thoughts: I think Thomas Paine has a remarkable stance on the reconciliation, however I feel he has an up hill battle, people do not like change. I thought he was very clever to elaborate the difference about the benefits of being independent from Great Britain. Establishing in his argument the protection that Great Britain provides is not for the benefit of America, it is to providing a dominating strategy for the Brittan import/export empire. I believe without Paine illistraighting the true purpose of Brittan’s protection, it is easily thought otherwise. Paine wisely personalizes his argument against the Britain occupation in Boston, appealing to the individual listener, even though they may not be directly effected, he engages his listener with familiar heart felt realities of the victims. If he just stated that a town was over run by the British army, it’s easy to not put much thought to it. However, stating you are unworthy to call yourself a husband, father, brother etc. if you do nothing. With Paine’s personality and directness I believe he brought many people to action. I would also like to think that it was he who anonymously published an essay proposing the emancipation of African slaves and the abolition of slavery, “published on March 8, 1775 in the Postscript to the Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser” He was the type to stir the pot and poke at the white elephant in the corner, he was some one to cause you to pause and take notice, I like that. I feel Paine was before his time, people of today are more tolerant toward objections to religion, politics, and raging arrogant ass ranting like he. I can imagine if he would be around today, he most likely would have his own talk show with many of us listing.

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