Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Journal: Margaret Fuller Ossoli

Christine Sloss
Dr. Scott Lankford
English 48A
Journal: Margaret Fuller Ossoli
November 1, 2011

Author Quote: “What woman needs is not as a woman to act or rule, but as nature to grow, as an intellect to discern, as soul to live freely, and unimpeded to unfold such powers as were given her when we left our common home.”

Internet Quote: “If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.”

Brief summary of what the author is saying in your own words: Margaret Fuller is describing the true essence of a woman and the essentials for contentment. A woman loves to nurture her children and those around her, same as the sun feeds the earth. She knows her experience she shares helps shapes, and teach those close to her. And, having this opportunity to see her efforts of knowledge grow and flourish feeds her soul.

My thoughts: Learning of Margaret Fuller is inspiring, I have found that in this day and age of freedom for women, I have placed boundaries of my own limits in life. She reminds me of when I was young and I thought of all the amazing things I wanted to do when I grew up. Except with Margaret she did not listen to the sounds of society shaping her ideas of what she can and can not do. She knew knowledge is power and wanted to share what she could with those women around her, to strengthen the voices, and build the confidence for those contributing members of society. Breaking the mold and heading into a new frontier for woman and this nation. I believe with her strict upbringing by her father, she probable did not enjoy the long hours of study, however looking back on her career, she now has the ultimate freedom, the gift for language. Margaret’s direction and guidance to the women in the “conversations” classes, paved the way for other women to gain the confidence and awareness to discern their needs and desire. It is alarming that someone as assertive and powerfully motivating as Margaret Fuller could be easily lost in history. As a young girl, when I was in search for a mentor, a model, I wish I could have known of her and her courageous life, seeing the advantages of knowledge, learning that the voice of one woman can make a difference. That is the type woman our girls need to learn about. Now that I can see how helpful it might of been for me, I will be introducing her to my friends and family, helping to keep her tradition alive among women.   

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