Monday, October 10, 2011

Journal Nathaniel Hawthorne

Christine LaKomy Sloss
English 48A 
 October 10, 2011
Journal: Hawthorne
The Minister's Black Veil

Author Quote: “But the bride’s cold fingers quivered in the tremulous hand of the bridegroom, and her death-like paleness caused a whisper, that the maiden who had been buried a few hours before, was come from her grave to be married”.

Internet Quote: there are many secrets, many dark areas, both literal and metaphorical. These secretive aspects are not centered just on the minister himself, but on all the people in the quiet town. “The Minister’s Black Veil” could also suggest as the Minister himself suggests, all people in the town are guilty of secret sin.
Brief Summary of What the Author is saying in your own words: The Reverend Mr. Hooper shook up his congregation by showing up wearing a piece of black crepe over the front of his face. It was eerie, you could only see his mouth and chin. Without seeing the brightness of his eyes and the expressions of his face, the author made it seem that Mr. Hooper’s entire presents was dark, mysterious and a bit creepy. So much so, that those around him felt as if he was getting in-touch with their own deep dark place, the place held for the “secret sin”. Hawthorne was brilliant the way he painted the picture of the wedding and the bride. The visual of Mr.Hooper bringing the dark energy to what would be a joyous event was spun into gossip of the bride looking like the young women who was buried earlier that day. Hawthorne really sealed the deal when he bought in the personal aspect of Mr.Hooper’s beloved, his fiancee in to the story. This is someone you would expect Mr.Hooper would confide in. And instead he creates a dramatic scene that freaks out the fiancee and she breaks off the engagement, (that’s serious). Hawthorne takes a odd twist by strengthening Mr.Hooper dark power, just by keeping the veil on. He then brings in the metaphor of  ‘misery loves company”. To help you relate with the people who are miserable and in desperate times seeking Mr.Hooper out. And, strangely through him are able to find light past all their darkness. (edit Twilight music here) Mr. Hooper finds a new purpose for his interesting way of life,and he finds it is a very long and lonely way of life. However lonely he might of been, he took his secret he held and the black veil to the grave.

My Ideas: What a crazy creepy story! While I read the story I had several ideas to the Vail. The first was because Hooper showed up in church with it on with no warning. I though it was he would had sinned and he could not face anyone eye to eye for the guilt would be obvious from the look on his face. Then I thought perhaps it was a grand idea to impress upon the congregation about the hidden sin, and who would do sin if it was so apparent as a veil.
Then after his beloved fiancee, Elizabeth confronts him and asks to see his face and he refuses, then I know he went crazy or was taking his career a bit far. It was creepy how he became known path for the sinning souls to find salvation. Overall, there is a lot going on and I’ll be interested how it mixes with the next story.

1 comment:

  1. 10/30 Here again the reflections is only 150 words or so -- 250 words min. Sorry to be so picky but I honestly would enjoy hearing more of your thoughts in more detail. The veil is such a potent symbol.
